Celebrating National Volunteer Month with CAAS!


Did you know that April is National Volunteer Month? Volunteers play an essential role in CAAS’s mission to end poverty and build equitable systems in Somerville, so we want to highlight their contributions and celebrate their impact! From filing tax returns for community members to canvassing the city with literature on tenant’s rights, there are a vast number of ways that our neighbors have chosen to volunteer their time and energy to better our community. Here are some notes from our program staff that specifically address some of the work that our volunteers do:

Siri Belton, VITA Site Coordinator, writes:

In VITA, volunteers are the heart of our operations. CAAS's tax program is based entirely on volunteers preparing tax returns for members of the community. Where clients would otherwise seek paid preparers to file their return, VITA volunteers can help with the stress of the season while maximizing their refund. This year, we've filed over two hundred returns, saving community members from either spending a portion of their refund or paying more out of pocket when they owe taxes. We can't thank the volunteers enough for everything they do. 

From getting certified by the IRS to the day-to-day tax prep: thank you so much.

Nicole Eigbrett, Director of Community Organizing & Advocacy, writes:

The CAAS Community Organizing program is grateful for the dozens of community members who dedicate time, energy, and passion to volunteer and take action for housing justice with us throughout the year. We call our volunteers 'members and 'leaders', because their commitment to build a Somerville that's better for all people is at the heart of our organizing. 

We have leaders on the Somerville Renters Committee who dedicate hours each month to strategize, plan, and oversee our key tenant outreach and education programs. We also have members who volunteer by facilitating parts of our monthly Renters Meetings. Eviction Response Network members have spent hundreds of hours canvassing to distribute multilingual know your rights flyers to our neighbors. The Anti-displacement Research Team tracks buildings for sale, contacts tenants who might be at risk of eviction, and learns more about the city's planning and development processes. And we are thankful for the hundreds of community members who volunteer time when they can, signing onto our petitions and advocacy hours, and taking to the streets and our in-person rallies and protests.

Community power comes from the collective efforts of Somerville residents who are willing to advocate and organize for justice. Thank you for building collective power with CAAS!

And Ginger Sanders, Family Engagement & Resource Coordinator of Head Start, writes:

Thank you Head Start volunteers for your amazing generosity and dedication. Your willingness to give your time and service is greatly appreciated. Head Start funding is dependent upon volunteer hours from parents and others in the community. Therefore, volunteering is essential to the successful operation of our program. Your knowledge, time, and talent all contribute to this effort. 

As classroom volunteers, you provide opportunities to build relationships, become positive role models, and learn how children interact in a group setting. Volunteering also relieves teachers’ workload and adds value to the children’s education. As Policy Council volunteers, you provide administrative support by helping lead and make decisions about the program. The commitment and dedication of the Policy Council members with CAAS Head Start as volunteer leaders have always been truly amazing.

Again, thank you for your participation and contribution to our program. We look forward to your continued involvement with CAAS Head Start. 

Of course, there’s always more work to be done as we strive to end poverty in our community. If you’re interested in volunteering with CAAS, you can sign up to get involved here.

And from the bottom of our hearts, thank you again to all of our volunteers for continuing to show up for our community!