Housing Advocacy Program
Are you being evicted?
Do you know your rights as a tenant?
Do you need help applying for affordable housing?
CAAS' Housing Advocacy Program (HAP) provides a wide range of services to low-income individuals at risk of homelessness. HAP targets the root causes of housing affordability and helps prevent future crises by advocating on the behalf of tenants during the eviction process; assistance applying for rental assistance, public benefits, and affordable housing; intensive case management; and more. The HAP team consists of Housing Advocates, Benefits Specialist, Stabilization Case Manager and Housing Stability Case Managers, all serving Somerville residents with incomes up to 80% of area median income (AMI).
Eviction Prevention
Are you at risk for an eviction? If you are struggling to pay your rent, have arrears due to nonpayment and/or your landlord has served a Notice to Quit or Summons & Complaint at court, HAP assists Somerville residents who are facing eviction stay in their homes. Advocates provide information on Tenants’ Rights, help clients in preparing for court with assistance completing the Answer & Discovery pleadings prior to court , and pursue rental assistance to help clients stay in their homes.While the Housing Advocates are not lawyers, they are able to provide free legal information and assistance during the eviction due to a close partnership with De Novo Center for Justice and Healing as well as Cambridge and Somerville Legal Service.
Case Management
The Housing Stability Case Managers work with Somerville residents to identify barriers to obtaining stable, affordable housing through case management services beyond the dismissal of an eviction or move into affordable housing. Case Managers will create a Housing Stability Plan with clients that target the barriers that may place the household at risk of homelessness. Once a Housing Stability Plan is completed, the Case Managers will be able to complete referrals for services such as job training, ESOL classes, childcare, mental health services, etc.
Housing Search
HAP assists residents in the application process for affordable housing like Section 8 or public housing. Housing Advocates will explore any priority status (disability, elderly, emergency) that a household may be eligible for based on their situation. For households who are awarded a Section 8 voucher, HAP will assist with the housing search process and coordinate the lease-up process with the housing authority. For those who secure an apartment with or without a voucher, start-up assistance may be available at CAAS. Housing Advocates and Case Managers are able to support clients residing in affordable housing, understand their rights as a resident as well as assist with the recertification process.
Benefits Advocacy
HAP assists Somerville residents in applying for public benefits as well as aid those in situations where their public benefits have been terminated or reduced. HAP helps advocate with agencies such as MASSHealth and the Department of Transitional Assistance to apply, reinstate, and maximize benefits (SNAP, WIC, Unemployment, etc.). In some situations, HAP can help appeal denials of benefits.
Need Help?
We speak Español, Português, Ayisyen Kreyòl, عربى, and more. Call us at 617/623-7370.
Knowledge is power. All renters have rights, regardless of immigration status. CAAS is proud to lead the Somerville Know Your Rights Coalition (KYRC) — a partnership of City offices, attorneys, housing nonprofits, and grassroots organizers — who want our neighbors to know that whether you are facing an eviction, struggling to pay rent, or need legal guidance, you are not alone.
Visit our Resource Guide to learn more and find help: http://bit.ly/Somerville_KYR
Download and share our multilingual Know Your Rights flyer here (English, español, português, kreyòl ayisyen).