CAAS Celebrates 40th Anniversary with a Live Benefit

We are having a 40th Anniversary Celebration show with a live broadcast from Somerville Media Center Studios. Tune in Thursday, November 18th 2021 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. on SCATV (Somerville Community Access Television) Channel 3, or livestream the event on Facebook and the CAAS 40th Anniversary Fundraiser website. This is a free event that supports CAAS’ new Emergency Relief Program. 

The Emergency Relief Program provides much needed financial support to those in the Somerville community who are underemployed or continue to struggle due to the effects of the pandemic. 

"As we emerge from the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's important to remember that the economic effects of this disruption have not been spread evenly across the community,” said David Gibbs, Executive Director at CAAS. “So many of our neighbors are still unemployed, and don't have the resources to pay for housing, food, or other basic necessities. CAAS' Emergency Relief Program is designed specifically to meet those needs by channeling donations from those who have a little extra to give to those who are in the greatest need."

The live show will be co-hosted by CAAS board members, featuring a message from State Representative Mike Connolly (26th Middlesex District), a performance by Somerville musicians Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band, as well as guest appearances and engaging discussions with CAAS staff and community members who have benefited from CAAS programming. Next, CAAS is proud to feature interviews with our partners/sponsors. John Fenton is Managing Partner at DLJ Real Estate Capital Partners. DLJ, along with Leggat McCall Properties, are co-developers of the Boynton Yards project in Somerville. CAAS also welcomes Dwan Packnett, Vice President of Government Relations & Community Investment at Sira Naturals for a live interview.

Get involved! Post: #CAAS40 on social media, or for more information, to donate or watch, please visit:

Community Action Agency of Somerville (CAAS) is the federally designated anti-poverty agency serving Somerville, Massachusetts since 1981. CAAS’ mission is to help local families and individuals achieve financial security while working to eliminate the root causes of economic injustice. 

Official event #: #CAAS40


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