Founding Board Member Ciampa Retires

John Ciampa, a longtime member of our Board of Directors, retired from board service this past month. John’s record of service to CAAS is truly extraordinary.

In 1981 John was one of the founding members of the Community Action Agency of Somerville, and has served on its board as a representative of our community continuously since that time - over 36 years! Throughout that time John has brought his humor, his deep connections to the Somerville community, and his perspective as a working citizen to our discussions of policy and strategy.

In addition to serving on the CAAS board, John also has been active with a number of other Somerville agencies and commissions for over 45 years. He is also a veteran, having served in the U.S. Army. John has an abiding love for the City of Somerville and cares deeply about those who are less fortunate. This caring led him to work with others to found CAAS. 

Please join me in expressing our deep gratitude to John for his long and loyal service; we will miss you at board meetings, John! 

- David Gibbs, Executive Director

David Gibbs