Will you make a difference today?


Dear Friend,

I know you share our belief that no one should live in poverty. Will you invest today in local programs that prevent it?

As a person who is committed to helping working families on a path to economic security, you are probably as disturbed as I am by the threats to programs these families rely on.

We will continue to fight for our vulnerable neighbors - but we can’t do it without you!

Donors like you are helping empower hundreds of families to achieve economic security.

  • Over 275 children and their families are working to break the cycle of poverty by enrolling in preschool and participating in comprehensive services through Head Start.
  • Over 300 individuals facing evictions are now safely and securely housed.
  • Over 350 public housing residents are finding their collective voice, forming tenant organizations, electing leaders, and advocating on issues that affect their wellbeing.

You make this work possible. You know how much your community stands to lose. Working together, we can change lives and strengthen our entire community.

Will you make a difference right now?

You can go to caasomerville.org to make a secure donation, consider making a monthly sustaining donation, or mail your gift of $35, $50, $75, $100 or the amount that feels right to the address at the top and bottom of this message Above all, you will know that you are contributing to the safety and security of those members of your community that need it the most.

If you know a family that needs our help, please refer them to us now!

Thank you for your leadership and support!

David Gibbs
Executive Director

P.S. Don’t put this letter aside. Hard-working residents, children and their families need your support now. Thank you!


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David Gibbs