Summer 2017 Community Organizing Updates

The organizing department at CAAS continues to build tenant power! At Clarendon Hill, a public housing project that is set to be redeveloped in the next several years, resident leaders have been negotiating with developers to ensure that no one is displaced and that current residents receive benefits from this project.

Clarendon Residents 2016 IMG_3641.JPG

The tenants have won almost all of the things they initially asked for, including the right to two temporary apartment options for each family, the right for everyone to return after the renovation, and access to common spaces in the new market rate apartment buildings. The leaders continue to fight for the right for families with kids in Somerville Public Schools to be able to stay in Somerville during the renovation. At Pearl Street Park, an elderly affordable housing complex, residents have just officially formed a resident association, which will foster community within the building and advocate for residents' rights.

David Gibbs